What can a digital detective do for you?

Digital Detective Services

Nowadays we live in the digital space with multiple devices all around us leaving plenty of digital footprint. Mobile phones, smart watches, tablets, computers, smart TVs and very soon smart cars, smart fridges, microwaves, dishwashers, washing machines, smart vacuum cleaners, CCTV cameras, smart wallets, travel cards and digital tickets, generate a staggering amount of data. This data can be harvested, collected, analysed and reported on for various purposes, both good or bad.

Email Forensics & Validation

Email Forensics

Email forensics finds out who sent the emails, when and where from or whether the sender is really the person he claims to be or just an impersonator or fraudster. Another function of email forensics is to validate the veracity of the email, analyse the metdata and create a report about certain email conversations for legal, compliance or dispute resolution purposes. Learn more about email forensics..

Mobile Phone Forensics

Mobile Phone Forensics

Most of our digital exisitence is residing in our mobile handsets covering a lot of personal and priviledged data. Mobile phone forensics is the practice of recovery, analytics and reporting on all mobile data transactions such as WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, Kik, Snapchat, Skype, dating apps and text messages contained within a mobile handset in such a way that can be used for legal or personal purposes Learn more about mobile forensics…

Digital Evidence Discovery

Digital Evidence Discovery

Conglomeration of personal computers, mobile phones, computer networks, databases, cloud computing, email conversations, file sharing platforms, social media and online web applications running a variety of different operating systems, does create accumulation of vast amounts of data in multiple disparate digital devices.

Making sense of this massive amount of data, brings about a big challenge for laywers, investigators, prosecutors and law enforcement officers when faced with a legal case.

In digital evidence discovery, a computer forensics expert, can help them discover and analyse all the data collected from all these disparate data sources and present it in a meaningful way. More information on digital evidence discovery…

Digital Document Validation

Digital Document Validation

If you have been presented with a digital document such as a locked spreadsheet containing important financial data, a will in PDF fomat, an image, video or a file, how can you know that it is authentic and no one has doctored the digital document? Also it is possible that you know your document is genuine but this is disputed by your opposite side and you need a digital document expert to confirm its authenticity formally.

Our digital document validation experts can forensically examine the document, image, video or file and find out whether it is authentic or any modfication has taken place. This can help lawyers, investigators, compliance officers and private individuals establish the veracity of such digital artefacts

Electronic Discovery

Electronic Discovery, eDiscovery

eDiscovery or Electronic Discovery is a process involving searching and indexing all electronic data on a continuous basis and creating a platform which will enable compliance and data protection officers to find any electronically stored information on all disparate data sources such as company desktops, laptops, mobile devices, cloud storage systems, databases, email exchanges, local and cloud backup systems, CRM/ERM and user-generated data.

This readily avaialble index of all compay data can also assist company legal representatives in civil or criminal legal cases such as IP breaches and trade disputes. Furthermore, court rulings or industry regulators may require the company to carry out ediscovery searches and hand over the data within a limited time frame or face hefty fines and charges. Computer Forensics Lab can help you with the electronic discovery of data ensuring full disclusure is achieved. More about eDiscovery…

Litigation Support For Lawyers

Litigation Support For Lawyers

All professionally trained lawyers and solicitors with many years of experience in the UK legal system, acknowledge they face a serious challenge on how to find, interpret and attribute digital evidence such as email convesations, social media interactions and digitally stored data on various devices such as computers, mobile phones and so on.

Legal professionals realise how digital evidence can make or break a legal case. There are so many criminal and civil cases which failed or were dismissed simply because digital evidence collected from mobile phones, company networks or cloud spaces, was not disclosed or properly researched or obtained. In some cases, this has lead to miscarriages of justice. Computer Forensics Lab experts can provide litigation support to law firms and barristers to ensure digital evidence is found and correctly attributed and intepreted. Learn more about litigation support…

Computer Forensics Expert Wintness

Computer Forensics Expert Witness

Almost all legal proceedings conducted in UK Crown Courts involve digital evidence obtained from computers, mobile devices, company networks and cloud spaces. A computer forensics expert witness in the court, can help the prosecution or defence barristers with the interpretation and attribution of acquired digital evidence and answer highly technical questions by the judge, prosecutors or defence lawyers.

Computer Forensics Lab has supplied Crown Courts in the UK with computer forensics expert witnesses for numerous  criminal or civil cases since 2007 and can do so for own or third party cases. Learn more about computer forensics expert witness services…

Company Data Theft Investigations

Company Data Theft Investigation

Company data theft and computer misuse is a common phenomenon and according to statistics, one out of 5 SMBs are the direct target of data breaches and company data theft in the form of a disgruntled or bribed employee either stealing valuable company  data or facilitating it for either financial gain, revenge or both.

If you or your company is a victim of data theft or you think your critical business data is compromised, Computer Forensics Lab data theft investigators can help you find all digital evidence relevant to this case and enable you to prosecute the culprits and/or claim damages. Learn more about company data theft investigations…